
 18,00 32,00

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Price Quantity
Albania - Team in Soccer3D BOX  18,00
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Albania - Team in SUBBUTEO REPLICA GREEN BOX from the 70s  22,00
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Albania - Team in COLORED REPLICA SUBBUTEO BOX (on the cover name, figure and logo of the contained team)  24,00
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Albania - Team + 2 substitutes and spare keeper (SAME KIT OF THE RODDED KEEPER) in Soccer3D BOX  25,00
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Albania - Team + 2 substitutes and spare keeper (SAME KIT OF THE RODDED KEEPER) in SUBBUTEO REPLICA GREEN BOX from the 70s  30,00
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Albania - Team + 2 substitutes and spare keeper (SAME KIT OF THE RODDED KEEPER) in COLORED REPLICA SUBBUTEO BOX (on the cover name, figure and logo of the contained team)  32,00
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Modern style Soccer3D team.

  • 11 Soccer3D or 2G figures on 3D bases and discs as per picture
  • 1 rodded keeper (long rod)
  • Soccer3D box
  • possibility to purchase substitutes, spare keeper and different boxes as per options

PLEASE NOTE: Teams from 2004 to 2010 catalog (South Africa FIFA World Cup) are realized on 3D Classic figures on 3D Classic bases.
As soon as 3D Classic figures and bases will go out of stock, they will be replaced by 2G figures and POWER bases.
From 2010 catalog onwards, all the teams are realized on 2G figures and POWER bases.

Please refer to the picture of the team, to see the differences between 3D Classic and 2G figures

Anyone wishing to purchase the team on HW old style figures on HW bases: choose any of the available purchase options and SPECIFY THE REQUEST FOR THE HW VERSION IN THE ORDER NOTES.
Prices will not change.